10″ Siliphos cartridge silicate/scale binding phosphate

$3,460.00 + GCT

This replacement filter cartridge including 790 g of Siliphos balls for an easy exchange is appropriated for dishwashers and washing machines.

Siliphos filters may prolong the durability of washing machines and dishwashers and reduce the consumption of detergent up to 30 % depending on the hardness of the water while at the same time the cleaning effect is even increased. With the filter being integrated in the dishwasher, you can completely renounce any additional salt. Furthermore, the water tubes are protected from corrosion, and any existing rigidities are degraded step by step. By this means, the water does not turn brown or red which is a consequence of contaminated pipelines.

The service life is variable, depending on different influencing factors, e.g., on the water quality. The service life ends when granulated Siliphos is used up. At this point, the granules can be replaced with a new charge.

SKU: Siliphos-10E Categories: ,
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  • Suitable for 10 inches filter cartridges
  • 26 Millimeter
  • Polyethylenterephthalat (PET)
  • Filter cartridge
  • Balls included
  • Water softener
  • Corrosion protection
  • Easy to exchange

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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